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It is not always wise to take on too much at one time. Being semi retired and having my designed computer program encoded for me, has had me at a loose end. So I started to write on Street Articles, got involved on Face Book and began a Blog displaying my photographs. I've always wanted to write a book and decided I now had time to do this. How to write and see what happens, should maybe read how not to, and be more correct.

The Street Articles gave me the practice and aid I needed to convince myself I could write, and Face Book got me the needed encouragement. Old friends and colleagues thought the book a good idea and that it would be successful, as well as encouraged to promote my photography. So first I began my book, and then put it to one side to start the Blog, the blogging became enjoyable with a fast developing following. But to have followers you must follow, and before long this became more than a hand full.

Back to the book I went, "A Greener Green, What is the Keep up to" the title, it is a book based on years of experience of having golfers approach me whilst working and asking the proverbial question "What the hell are you doing?" As an employee and responsible to any Golfer playing the course, one must stop and enlighten them. On many an occasion, the reply of "How interesting" has taught me two things, they lack a certain knowledge of the basics of agronomy and plant science, as well as there's a genuine interest shown when you explain to them the basics.

But also I have been able to give stupid answers to stupid questions that has turned into laughter. So the basics of the book is humour with a certain amount of education of the basics of the science michael kors crossbody bag behind plant growth and Green Keeping.

In the mean time the blog is doing well and I'm now being encouraged to write a book of my experiences with photos attached. Why not, it seems so easy. I have written articles for Street Articles about experiences in the game parks, just add photos and a few more stories and the book, finished. How wrong could I be. When looking at photos taken all over the country, I could not leave out certain pictures with their related stories. So the book titled "Visits to the Park, the Kruger National Park" was no longer entirely correct.

Forget the title and write the book my head said, the title can follow later. They expound the fact that you can start in the middle, return to add a beginning and an end. I found this too confusing, I needed a title to work around and a beginning, most important. The book became a shambles, I was penning about golf courses and their upkeep, writing articles for Street Articles, blogging my photos, and writing on trips to game parks.

But not only that, I was reading others articles, looking at other blog photos and communicating on Face Book. Something had to give and I realised this quickly, when I wrote two thousand odd words of a trip to the Park, on the book about Green Keeping. Cut and paste came into play and all corrected, however, I realised something had to give, the pressure that I'd placed upon myself was just too much. So if you want to write a book don't try to do it as well as a thousand (exaggeration) other things at the same time.

I started the parks book over again giving it a title, louboutin anemone "A photographic trip aboard my ship, lets see where it takes us" a new introduction and away it sailed (pardon the pun). The book took shape far easier and with reduced pressure, I find a couple of thousand words a breeze, still allowing me pleasure time to blog, read articles and occasionally pen one.

Now I feel no pressure when I rise in the mornings, what direction my day is to take, decided over a cup of tea and some times Milk Tart at four in the morning. If the brain starts to think about the one book, that's the direction for the day. All other activities just have to wait until the writing and thoughts need a break. Articles and blogs then get attention and if after a while, the thoughts start in another direction, I will leave the one book and continue on the other. I can write a lot faster now, all the practice with articles, and the pressure that was felt to complete a project, gone. No book was ever written in a day, I now have others reading and commenting as I go along, almost like a bunch of editors, and as the one must have humour, it helps to michael kors wallet for iphone have another's response. I'm avoiding reading in the mornings and getting into creating. Including articles, lenses and blog posts in this part. Though last week I also pulled together an ebook last week that includes links to 12 recordings. As my new updated subscriber gift: ) So here I am reading your article quite a bit after you published it! Good job. Your brain is incredible. I like your humor too.

Nice article! Backwards of my days. I'm avoiding reading in the mornings and getting into creating. Including articles, lenses and blog posts in this part. Though last week I also pulled together an ebook last week that includes links to 12 recordings. As my new updated subscriber gift: ) So here I am reading your article quite a bit after you published it! Good job. Your brain is incredible. I like your humor too.

Unfortunately, commenting was what gave for me. I spend one or two days a week attempting to catch up on reading and commenting. The rest is spend in my garden, on the farms now that picking has begun, preserving food (which will only increase as the season does), and documenting all of this on my website and articles. I love the articles of many in my tribe and I hope they will forgive the occasional miss of their articles. Sometimes life gets in the way :)

Unfortunately, commenting was what gave for me. I spend one or two days a week attempting to catch up on reading and commenting. The rest is spend in my garden, on the farms now that picking has begun, preserving food (which will only increase as the season does), and documenting all of this on my website and articles. I love the articles of many in my tribe and I hope they will forgive the occasional miss of their articles. Sometimes life gets in the way :)

I can identify with the quote "somethings got to give" Writing articles, reading others articles and maintaining my websites has become more than I can do . On top of that out boat broke down with a bad oil cooler problem. Three days and many cuss words later it is up and running again. Oh yeah and about $1000.00. So if you don't see me commenting on articles as much as I did you will know that something had to give. I hope to comment on as many articles as I can because I enjoy reading them and learning from them.

I can identify with the quote "somethings got to give" Writing articles, reading others articles and maintaining my websites has become more than I can do . On top of that out boat broke down with a bad oil cooler problem. Three days and many cuss words later it is up and running again. Oh yeah and about $1000.00. So if you don't see me commenting on articles as much as I did you will know that something had to give. I hope to comment on as many articles as I can because I enjoy reading them and learning from them. Thanks for the "calming" article

All my life Maria I have been a hard worker, every day, physical work as well, now I find I do not have enough to keep me busy, so I tackle it all at once and I love pressure, but now I take it as it comes, maybe the semi retirement isn't so good for me.

All my life Maria I have been a hard worker, every day, physical work as well, now I find I do not have enough to keep me busy, so I tackle it all at once and I love pressure, but now I take it as it comes, maybe the semi retirement isn't so good for me.

Good advice, Rob, and thanks. I have studied the question of writing an entire book taken some courses, read some 'how to write' books and articles. I probably know more about how to write a book than anyone who has never written a book (I don't count my poetry book such 'collections' are not really books, as I conceive them to be.

One thing that always comes up is planning. We tend to see 'writing' as 'storytelling' we are inclined to start at the begnning and go through to the end this is the intuitive technique.

I'd guess that a non fiction book such as you are presently writing would benefit from some planning if you want to be informative, you should conceive your books chapters christian louboutin daffodile 160mm suede pumps turquoise as successive 'lessons' on your subject, from simple to complex, from basics to bottom lines.

Such planning can be extra useful when working on more than one project at a time, as you seem to be doing. The plans and outlines can quickly re appraise you of what you're doing and just where you louboutin alti booty left off. It's counter intuitive, I know, to try to organize a quote, creative, unquote, process. But creativity without structure is like experimenting without recording data the result is incoherent and untargeted.

Good advice, Rob, and thanks. I have studied the question of writing an entire book taken some courses, read some 'how to write' books and articles. I probably know more about how to write a book than anyone who has never written a book (I don't count my poetry book such 'collections' are not really books, as I conceive them to be.

One thing that always comes up is planning. We tend to see 'writing' as 'storytelling' we are inclined to start at the begnning and go through to the end this is the intuitive technique.

I'd guess that a non fiction book such as you are presently writing would benefit from some planning if you want to be informative, you should conceive your books chapters as successive 'lessons' on your subject, from simple to complex, from basics to bottom lines.