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No, we argue that it isn racist because Islam is not a race. It a religion.

Like gender and the size of one nose, race is not a matter of choice. It idiotic and bigoted to hate someone for something they can control, like race or facial features.

Like political ideology, religion is a matter of choice (and if it isn and people are forced into it, then there definitely a problem with the religion.) It isn entirely illogical to hate a religion or ideology, and hate people who represent it. Sure, a majority of Muslims are ethnically Middle Eastern; that just how religion spreads. But if we look at religions as theories about the true nature of the universe, then religion is independent of race; one day, if we happen to find the One True Religion, then everyone would be of that faith, Middle Eastern or not.

Likewise, if there was a religion that practiced murdering young boys of all other faiths and drinking their blood, I would call that religion, and its members, evil. If these members happened to be exclusively Chinese, am I racist? Of course not.

Now, is Islam worthy of the hate? I would say no. It certainly not comparable to my (edit) hypothetical Chinese cult. In fact, I can think of a single mainstream religion that is worthy of outright hate. Some branches of certain religions might be. Some practicers of certain religions might be. But the way I see it, a whole religion is followed and tweaked by millions of people, the majority of whom are pretty good people, and therefore it pretty hard for a religion to be completely evil.

Are the people who hate all of Islam bigots? Possibly. But they aren necessarily racists.

TL;DR: Hating a religion does not equal hating a race.

Contrary to the assumptions under which some Harris defenders are laboring, the fact that someone is a scientist, an intellectual, and a convincing and valuable exponent of atheism by no means precludes irrational bigotry as a driving force in their worldview.

Let first quickly dispense with some obvious strawmen. Of course one can legitimately criticize Islam without being bigoted or racist. That self evident, and nobody is contesting it. And of course there are some Muslim individuals who do heinous things in the name of their religion just like there are extremists in all religions who do awful and violent things in the name of that religion, yet receive far less attention than the bad acts of Muslims (here are some very recent examples). Yes, "honor killings" and the suppression of women by some Muslims are heinous, just as the collaboration of US and Ugandan Christians to enact laws to execute homosexuals is heinous, and just as the religious driven, violent occupation of Palestine, attacks on gays, and suppression of women by some Israeli Jews in the name of Judaism is heinous. That some Muslims commit atrocities in the name of their religion (like some people of every religion do) is also too self evident to merit debate, but it has nothing to do with the criticisms of Harris[.]

When criticism of religion morphs into an undue focus on Islam particularly at the same time the western world has been engaged in a decade long splurge of violence, aggression and human rights abuses against Muslims, justified by a sustained demonization campaign then I find these objections to the New Atheists completely warranted[.] Most important of all to me is the fact that Harris has used his views about Islam to justify a wide range of vile policies aimed primarily if not exclusively at Muslims, from torture[.] to steadfast support for Israel[.] to anti Muslim profiling[.] to state violence[.]

In sum, he sprinkles intellectual atheism on top of the standard neocon, right wing worldview of Muslims. As this superb review of Harris christian louboutin pigalle replica writings on Israel, the Middle East and US militarism put it, "any review of Sam Harris and his work is a review essentially of politics": because his atheism invariably serves explicitly so as the justifying ground for a wide array of policies that attack, kill and otherwise suppress Muslims. That why his praise for European fascists as being the only ones saying "sensible" things about Islam is significant: not because it means he a European fascist, but because it unsurprising that the bile spewed at michael kors satchel hamilton Muslims from that faction would be appealing to Harris because he shares those sentiments both in his rhetoric and his advocated policies, albeit with a more intellectualized expression.

Now then. Take two groups who cultures are completely different and put them together in the same place. They generally don get along very well. I mean, person to person they will, but group to michael kors fulton crossbody large group they will separate.

"Racism" = This group of people is bad because of X, is learned. The Racist ideas are formed by cultural differences that don mesh and lead towards violence and prejudice. You don even need to change skin colors. There are groups in the Balkans that fucking despise one another and commit genocide against people who they michael kors selma zip look almost identical to, based simply on past grievances decades if not centuries old.